3 Ways to Take Action and Keep Your Vision Board Top of Mind

I’ve had the honor to lead many people just like you to transform their lives through the power of vision. Combining a special visualization practice with the tangible, always-there-in-front-of-you reminder of a vision board has allowed for some big breakthroughs.

Things like: starting a new career path, making a cross-country move, pivoting a business plan, and petting wolves all happened to either myself or clients thanks to vision boards! (More on the wolves at the end of this post!)

Now, here’s the catch… Vision boards (and the power of visualization) only work if you let them work. You have to see them daily, integrate them into your routine, and be in communion with them. In order words, you can’t make a vision board and then push it aside and expect it to help you manifest your dreams. (See, I said “help you” not “do it for you!)

Today, I wanted to share with you my top tips to keep your vision alive. After all, you’ve tapped into your deepest desires and created your vision board — don’t let it just sit there! 

#1: Look at Your Vision Board Daily

Vision boards work because you’re focusing on it! The more your brain sees it, the more it thinks it’s real (well, we know it’s real, but I mean real in this plane of existence) and works to bring it to you. To learn more about the power of visualization and why it works so well, read this blog post!

Seeing your visions each day, multiple times a day, will encourage you to get to work on those dreamy goals you have for yourself! I recommend seeing your vision board at least twice a day — but obviously the more you look at it, the better. So, be sure to display your vision board where you actually can see it!

  • Snap a photo of it and make it your lock screen on your smartphone. While you’re at it, make it the desktop photo and screen saver for your computer, too!

  • Set the 8”x10” frame that’s in the Vision of You Vision Board in a Box Kit on your bedside table so you see it first thing when you wake up and go to sleep. (I actually made this frame size choice on purpose for that reason! It fits so well on your bedside table and it’s still big enough you can see it without your glasses!)

  • Make a copy of your vision board and place it on your keyboard so you see it every time you start your work day. (Thanks to one of my clients for this idea! Every time she closes her laptop, she puts a copy of her vision board on her keyboard so she sees it again when she opens the screen.)

#2: Create a Ritual for your Visualization

Visualization is a cornerstone to manifesting all you desire. Not only do I like to have my vision board all over to remind me what I’m working so hard to achieve, I like to create a ritual that’s a little more intentional. This more energetically feminine practice balances out the masculine energy of doing and striving and working and creates a nice, holistic space for your visions and your vision board.

Whatever ritual means to you is best, of course, but here’s what I like to do… On a meaningful day (like the new moon for setting new intentions or the full moon for harvesting them), I’ll light a candle and see all of my dreams playing out as I meditate on the flame. I really like to tap into how I’ll feel when I achieve those goals.

This is what I’ve been visualizing lately as I’ve been launching the Vision of You Vision Board in a Box Kits: I hear the beeping of a box truck coming to ship Vision of You Vision Board in a Box Kits around the world. I see my friends helping me load the truck. I feel myself hugging my kids and waving goodbye to the truck as it pulls down the driveway. And I feel the gratitude, joy, expansiveness, and wonder wash over me the whole time.

When you do this visualization ritual, light your candle and set the intention to feel yourself living out the vision you created. Allow yourself the space and time to think about and experience the feelings you will feel when this amazing vision comes to life.

#3: Seek Support and Accountability

One of my favorite ways to make sure I’m following through on my goals is by having a guide. Someone to remind me that I made this goal for myself, so I better get to work. Someone who’s as committed as I am to making sure I carry out my transformation with power!

Sure, a vision board is a great starting point. It’s a visual way to activate your brain to start working on your deepest desires and allows you to see your dreams and your ideas as reality. And you also have to get to work to make them happen! Nothing works if you don’t, so to speak.

Having support and accountability is the best way to keep the power of your vision board alive and at the top of your mind. Otherwise, the day-to-day takes over and before you know it, you haven’t meditated on or taken meaningful action toward your visions. It’s so easy to just slide into that routine!

Whether from a coach or committed peer group, find a support system to remind you of what you said you desire, hold you to what you said you’d do to make it happen, and inspire you to take action!

In Summary… 

I truly believe that your soul chose to be here at this exact point in time. It chose to be on this planet right now for a reason. And not just so you can go to work, come home, live for the weekend, rinse and repeat it all again tomorrow. It’s your responsibility to harness your vision and live in alignment with your purpose! These three tips will allow you to keep your vision board and your desires at the top of your mind so you live out that vision each day!

Oh, and about that wolf story… 

Back in April 2019 when I was making a new vision board (as I like to do from time to time), I cut out a picture of a wolf. I really don’t know why, aside from thinking maybe it could be something I could do with my daughter.

Even though I didn’t have a fully formed and conscious reason for what that picture would lead to, I knew it was meant for me and added it to my vision board. In September of that same year, we visited a wolf sanctuary and not only got to see wolves, we got to PET THEM in their own habitat!

It was so exhilarating and, honestly, I probably wouldn’t have booked the trip to that wolf sanctuary if I didn’t see that picture on my vision board each day and make a connection with it!


Why Visualization Works (And Is the Best Tool for Success!)


How to Reconnect with Your Why